I live in Toronto. One of the mega cities in the world. Rich in diversity, ethnicity and multiculturalism. I respect values and traditions of all cultures. Each race has its unique culture and values. I accept that diversity is healthy and desirable. I am not a judge of cultures that are different from mine. I do not pretend to know what is good for all girl children. However, sometimes I can not stand it. I find it impossible to keep my brain shut. I feel the strong urge to speak out. Of course I will be targeted for speaking out. I do not see myself giving my back to girls raised without respect of their fundamental rights. A girl child like any other kid has rights. Some cultures needs education in Toronto.

Today I am blogging about cultures that do not celebrate the birth of girl children. I saw birth of girl children go unnoticed. Just because they are girls. I want to shut my lips. My conscience has serious objections. I am judging. Allow me to be a judge just today. I propose to abolish cultures that do not celebrate the birth of  female children. It is not befitting to treat a new life into this world with such indifference. No wonder girls from such cultures have a cat and mouse relationship with their fathers. A heap of negative attitude placed upon innocent girls. Receiving sentence for a crime the girls did not commit. Although a child can not remember what happened when they were born, to me such norms degrade womanhood.

Older girls will eventually learn that girls in the family are not celebrated at birth. Older kids will easily pick the discrimination especially if they compare with the elaborate celebrations that are held when a male child is born. I want to repeat that this problem I did not see several cultures. I know two cultural groups that uphold this practice. I do not know if such a practice is common in other regions of the world. I know in developing countries such discrimination is the fashion of the day. I know sometimes culture makes us blind to injustices and discriminatory behaviour. Culture can be an iron yoke to those who blindly follow it like zealots. Culture needs introspection.  Culture needs to serve the interests of its people. In my opinion, any culture that purposefully avoids celebrating the birth of a child must be abolished. I know families are private entities. These cultural groups probably needs civic education about human rights. To me this is not an issue of culture but human rights violation perpetuated at child birth.I hate to see innocent kids born into divisive and retrogressive norms. Bad culture can be reformed through attitude change. Diminishing the sanctity of the lives of girl children at birth creates a wedge between daughters and fathers. When they grow older they will know the source of discrimination and that their fathers are the perpetrators. In a digital and electronic era where kids are enlightened from multiple sources of data it does not take long for such kids to rebel and this creates friction and infighting. Healthy relationships between daughters and their fathers should be continued at birth having started at the point of conception.


About marepaul

A social worker with a keen interest in helping fathers build satisfying relationships with their daughters. I know of fathers that have been amazing towards their daughters in so many ways but I also know of fathers who consciously or unconsciously treat their daughters like second class citizens. I would like to have a dialogue with those fathers in the later category who mistreat, control, suppress, harass, embarrass, discriminate, dehumanize, marginalize and dis-empower their girl children just because they happen to be girls. I want to help such fathers identify specific behaviours that may be perpetuating the mistreatment and suppression of the interests and rights of their girl child. I would like to inform these fathers of 365 specific ways they maybe consciously or unconsciously doing to perpetuate the oppression of the girl child within the family.

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